Friday, August 26, 2011

6P Registration to be Handled via Refugee Communities in Malaysia

The UNHCR has announced today that the biometric registration of refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia will be conducted in unhcrcollaboration with refugee community-based organization (CBOS).

The announcement said the processes of the 6P Programme will include the taking of bio-data and biometric information of all individuals concerned including refugees and asylum seekers registered with UNHCR.

In the first phase of the 'long running' processes beginning yesterday, the UNHCR having agreed with the Malaysian Government will assist in registering those individuals residing in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor until 26 August.

"UNHCR is in contact with the CBOS and had worked out a scheduling system to have selected population to be registered this week. The schedule will be conducted in different batches and in accordance with the communities that have been identified to send their members," added the announcement.

Refugee communities from Burma including Alliance of Chin Refugees, Chin Refugee Committee, Falam Refugee Organization, Dai Community and other ethnic groups are asked to send their members to the Putrajaya Immigration Office for the first phase.

A member of the Chin Refugees in Kuala Lumpur told Chinland Guardian: "Now that a proper announcement is made, it makes our confusion clear. Before, we were not sure if we should go to get registered."

Each refugee community is expected to bring a limit of 600 individuals for the next three days to meet a total quota of 2,500 a day within the processing capacity of the Malaysian Immigration in Kuala Lumpur.

The UNHCR also announced that no payment is being charged for the ongoing registration by the Malaysian Government.

Any individuals who are not a member of the refugee communities are advised to wait for further instructions from the UNHCR, according to today's announcement.

It is claimed that the second phase of the 6P exercise will start next month with its details of schedules including venues and dates yet to be confirmed. 

Source: Chinland Guardian

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