Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Christian Education Sunday

We celebrate the Christian Sunday on 25 September, 2011 at our Maesai Grace Church,  in that day our Christian Education Department and the Children are going to;

  • Conducting a Service of Covenant for Teachers and Leaders during worship
  • Having children participate in the worship service
  • Preaching a sermon with a Christian education emphasis
  • Honoring Sunday school teachers
  • Displaying curriculum for children, youth & adult classes
  • Inviting persons to share Sunday school/church camp memories
  • Having children create worship bulletins for Christian Education Sunday
What is Christian Education?

     Christian Education is the foundational structure of the church.  It is a teaching ministry educational program with the concept to be like the Master, known as a teacher, whom Christians strive to serve.  At Mount Zion, the Word of God (The Bible) is the building materials of our foundation. Matthew 28:19-20 says "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
Christian Education begins with a biblical revelation and a Christian Heritage.  It's teaching brings together biblical theological and historical perspective, teaching the light of the gospel to bear upon the life issues of today.  Its foundation includes an understanding of growing persons, and takes into account the persons who are being taught.  By virtue of the pastor's position in the church, he is the "overseer" to whom God has given the vision for the ministry.  "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood" (Acts 20:28).

Purpose of Teaching

     The teaching ministry educational program is to teach followers of Christ to incorporate the truth of Christ in their lives in ways that make it possible to communicate verbally and non-verbally.  The purpose is to equip which comes from a Greek word (katartizo), meaning to prepare or make ready. 

Plans and Goals for Effective Teaching

     The teaching ministry's educational program establishes its plans and goals for their accomplishment.  These significant goals emerge out of the awareness of the needs of the people in the light of the gospel.  It defines its specific goals based on the perceptions of its particular situation.

Nurturing in Christian Growth

     The ministry should also be an educational program that, in systematic fashion, seeks to support the Christian growth process.  The church is a redemptive community that gives and supports life in a whole and complete way. We take seriously the charge of "equipping the saints for work of the ministry."
Development of Leaders
     The development of the teaching ministry educational program includes personal growth, understanding of learning processes, and the sensitivity to the needs of persons.  The plan of enlistment, training and support is ongoing.  This ministry should function with leaders prepared to fulfill the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  These leaders are motivated, trained, assigned and supported.
The primary means of engaging the church's Ministry of Christian Education will be accomplished through Sunday School, Mid-week Bible Studies, and an Annual Vacation Bible School.

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