Monday, February 8, 2010

Pray Alert!

Actually, 2010 is comming. New year is comming a new challenge is come up. Right, I am happy to meet a new challenges. This year our Maesai Grace International Church (MGIC) is a lot of pray request.
For the first, pray for our school space. Next year our primary school is get more students and our class room and school space is not enough. We are paln to buy the land for our primary school ministry. During this time , buy the land is very expensive in here Maesai. I am really hope , God will provide to us what we needs , we need to pray to him.This is only He want to us.
Please pray for the land amount is over U$ 30,000 . We need your pray for this critical issue. THANKS

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

School Christmas

We have done a very nice christmas in our Burmese Migrant Primary School (BMPS). All the children are come and join with us. Some migrant children are never experience christmas.
Here is some pictures in the christmas program: Please see and make a happy in your life.