Monday, October 24, 2011

Authorities clarifies child abduction,rumors about findings of children’s bodies

Authorities and responsible persons clarified incidents and rumors about the losses and findings of children’s bodies in Yangon Region.

While some children were lost in some townships, most of the unidentified news was just rumors, according to parents.

Due to the spreading news, township education officers called on the meeting with headmasters in their respective areas to take precaution and give emergency hotlines for the missing children.
Headmistress Daw Yin Kyi Htay of B.E.H.S No (3) South Okkalapa Township said, “We inform the parents of student absence without leave, and we have instructed classroom teachers to oversee accurate class hours. We have made close contacts among arents, teachers and students.”

On 18 October 2011, it was reported that Maung Chit Phu San, eight standard student of B.E.H.S (2) of East Dagon Township, was abducted by two unidentified persons while the boy was coming to school. 
His mother Ma Aye Aye Khaing said, “He was never absent from his classes. On that day, he left home for school at about 6 am. Although the classes were over at 12 noon, he did not arrive back home. When I inquired about him at his school, classroom teacher said that he was absent on that day.  I was worried about my son as some children were missing during these days. I searched him at the places where he used to go. Then I informed the incident to the ward administrative office. My son came back home at about seven o’clock. He embraced me and cried as soon as he saw me. He seemed to be dizzy. He ate a large amount of meal as he said he was hungry. He drank a lot of water. He was not active for the next two days.”
Maung  Chit Phu San also recounted the details of his experience, “On my way  to the school on that day, a white colored car stopped in front of me. Two bearded men got off the car, and tapped me on the shoulder saying my mother felt dizzy and fell down. Then they took me into the car. Later, they hooded my face with a cloth. Then I lapsed into unconsciousness. When I regained consciousness, I could not move my body. My hands were tied behind my back. At that time, I was confined in the trunk of a car. I kicked the lid of trunk. Then a man opened the lid, asked me the matter, and took me from there saying to complain my incident at the police station. He said he would look for the car in which I was caught. We could not find that car. He asked me my address, but took me along the narrow lanes. He gave me 200 kyats, and put me on the No. 61 bus. When I looked around, I saw the illuminated Thuwanna Football Stadium. I was so scared of this incident.”

Regarding with the missing of her granddaughter Ma Thi Thi Soe, alias Ma Gyan (Aged 22) from Ko Min Ko Chin Road of Bahan Township for about four months, her grandmother Daw Aye said, “At that time, my granddaughter had arrived  in Yangon for only 15 days. When I returned from Kungyankone Township, I could not find her. When I asked my daughter who lived together with my granddaughter, she said that she scolded her for going to the Excel Tower without asking permission from her. Since then my granddaughter did not return home. I filed the complaint at the police station.”

Police had to open files on the missing of young people between 12 and 30 in Yangon Region. Most of the lost persons were eventually found. Some of them eloped with their lovers. Some domestic maids moved secretly to another employer.

In connection with these cases, Police Officer of Tamwe Township Police Station said, “Most of the abduction cases in this township are related with elopement and running away of housemaids from owner to another after taking advance salary.”

However, rumors about child thefts and child murder cases are spreading in Thingankyun, Tharkaytha, Dawbon and Tamwe townships.

Police Officer Kan Thein of Thingankyun Township Police Station said, “An inquest was held into report on the dead bodies of children with the dissection at the chests in the ‘Ka’ and ‘Gha’ wards of Thuwaunna area on 15 October. We also asked the doctors at the hospital and criminal police officers whether the arrivals of child dead bodies at the Sanpya Hospital in Thingankyun Township. The reports were just rumors.”
Police Officer Tint Naing of Tharkaytha Township Police Station said, “The rumors about the loss and the findings of dead bodies are not true.”

Police Officer Tint Naing of Dawbon Township Police Station said, “Rumor spread about the dead body of a child with the cut at the chest near the Bandoola Bridge. It was not true.”
Police Officer U Maung Maung Oo of Tamwe Township Police Station said, “The discovery of child dead bodies near the garbage pile was rumor.”

Police Officer Thaung Dan of Information Bureau from Bahan Township said, “There are 40 cases of missing persons in Bahan Township, with the ages ranging from six to 45 years, from January to 18 October this year. About 30 cases of them could be solved. Most of the cases are related with elopement and domestic maid cases.”

In connection with these matters, Police Colonel U Tun Min of Yangon Region (North District) said, “We heard on the grapevine that the children with the ages between 10 and 13 were abducted; that some abductors are capturing children for smuggling; that children are murdered in some townships. We investigated these cases with police squads. In fact, some young persons were staying in the houses of their friends after quarrelling with their family members. Some eloped with their lovers. Some were away on a journey. Some other drowned as they swam with friends. Such news spreading among the public are just gossips of rumour-mongers. They are not true.”

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