Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chin Churches Call for Humanitarian Aid in Kachin State

An appeal to help Kachin victims of the ongoing conflicts between Burma Army soldiers and Kachin armed group in northern parts of the country has been launched among Chin churches and communities across the globe.

The Chin Baptist Churches, USA (CBCUSA), an umbrella body of over 40 Chin churches based in the US, urged Chin Christian churches and communities as well as individuals worldwide to make contributions for the Kachins suffering from the attacks against KIA (Kachin Independence Army) by Burma Army soldiers.

Rev. Dr. C. Duh Kam, Executive Minister of CBCUSA, said: "There are many refugees and IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) inside Kachin State because of the conflicts in Burma. They are in dire need of food, water and even clothes. They need our earnest prayer as they are running and hiding in the middle of bullets and ammunition."

The statement released today by CBCUSA called for a concerted action among the Chin people all over the world to help their Kachin brothers and kachinflagsisters as much as possible in the difficult time.
On 16 October, churches in Chin State are scheduled to hold a special prayer service and to set aside the offertory collection for helping victims in Kachin State.
The Zomi Baptist Convention (ZBC), the largetst Christian organisation in Chin State with a membership of 899 churches, are meeting with leaders of Kachin Christians in Myitkyina on 18-20 October.

Last week, the Global Chin Christian Fellowship (GCCF), a newly formed organisation in attempts to strengthen communication and collaboration among Chin churches worldwide, also pledged to pray for Kachin refugees in Burma.

Rev. Dr. Chum Awi, General Secretary of GCCF, said: "Our prayer will be mainly for the safety of their lives spiritually and physically. Let's make contributions for the caring, healing, and saving of our brothers, Kachin people, who are in a very dangerous life situation."

More than 25,000 people in Kachin State have been internally displaced along the China-Burma border as a result of the ongoing armed attacks in Kachin State, according to recent sources. Source: Chinland Guardian

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