Monday, September 12, 2011

Chin Preacher from USA Ordered to Leave Town in Thantlang

MYANMAR :: Mr. Tial Lian Thang, a Chin Christian from the US visiting his family, has been ordered to leave town by the local authorities while preaching at a local church in Thantlang, Chin State.

A Burmese officer, Head of the Immigration Department was said to have warned Tial Lian Thang to make a report to the government authority in Hakha this afternoon after interrupting a Christian crusade organised by the Johson Memorial Baptist Church.

"He was told that he is not welcome here in the town. After making himself known to the authorities in Hakha, he was told to leave Chin State for Rangoon," one of his relatives from Thantlang town told Chinland Guardian.

Another source suggested that he has been accused of gathering people in a church and of telling them about politics besides the gospel.

Tial Lian Thang, a US citizen, who has been in the town for more than a month, was banned from preaching and staying in the town days after Burma's President Thei Sein's call on Burmese citizens in exile to return last month.

Some local churches including Thantlang Baptist Church have been threatened why he was allowed to preach to their congregation, according to a local who works for one of the churches.

"He is stopped during the gathering and now on his way home from School Block where the Christian crusade is held. He is going to Hakha very soon," added the local.

Currently based in Maryland, USA, Mr. Tial Lian Thang in his early thirties is visiting his family in Thantlang town for the first time after having left Burma for about ten years. 

Source: Chinland Guardian

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